Tin Plates, Ontario | Rebel Walls | Wallpaper | Enquire Today | Artisan

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Tin Plates, Ontario - Black

These beautiful vintage tin tiles, dating back to 1890's were salvaged from the first bank building in Woodstock Ontario, Canada. They are now the motif for this amazing wallpaper. This kind of ceiling tiles were a fireproof alternative to that timeperiods elaborately designed stucco ceilings, traditionally made in plaster or hand carved wood.
  • Product Code:


  • Brand:

    Rebel Walls

  • Collection:


  • Repeat:


  • Composition:

    Digitally printed paper

  • Dimensions:

    This is a Custom size Mural. Please accurately measure the width and height of your wall, then contact wallpaper@artisancollective.co.nz to receive a quote. As a guide, Rebel Walls murals retail for $110 per square metre. MINIMUM order 3sqm.

  • Delivery Time:

    Approx 4 weeks